Futurepoem is excited to announce our open reading period dates and guest editors for this year. The open reading period will begin 11/15/15 and the submission deadline will be 12/15/15. Our guest editors for this year will be Omar Berrada, Dawn Lundy Martin and Jena Osman. For more information about our guest editors and submissions guidelines, please visit our submissions page.
Thank you to everyone who submitted to Futurepoem this past fall! Futurepoem is thrilled to announce the two selections from our most recent open reading period in 2015. The two selections by this year's guest editors Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and Roberto Tejada are:
MY OTHER TONGUE by Rosa Alcalá
SWOLE by Jerika Marchan
We are honored to publish Rosa and Jerika as part of our Futurepoem series. Here's a little bit more about both of these authors:
Rosa Alcalá is the author of two books of poetry, Undocumentaries (2010) and The Lust of Unsentimental Waters (2012), both from Shearsman Books. Her poems are also included in two recent anthologies: Angels of the Americlypse: New Latin@ Writing (Counterpath, 2014) and The Volta Book of Poets (Sidebrow Books, 2015). Spit Temple: The Selected Performances of Cecilia Vicuña (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2012), edited and translated by Alcalá, was runner-up for the 2013 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. She is currently an NEA Fellow in Translation and teaches in the Department of Creative Writing and Bilingual MFA Program at the University of Texas-El Paso.
Jerika Marchan was born in Manila, Philippines and grew up in southeastern Louisiana. She is a recent graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Smoking Glue Gun, The Bat City Review, and the new journal agápē. She lives in New Orleans.
We will share more information about these authors and their upcoming books very soon.

We are excited to present you with our brand new Futurepoem site and look for our press.
From the beginning Futurepoem finding and celebrating daring new literary voices with unique points of view. So we wanted to create a site and new press identity that also expressed a unique point of view, but still felt welcoming and easy to use at the same time. We hope you like our new look. Let us know what you think and any suggestions about how to make our site better. Our sincerest thanks to Jessica Green and Tom Griffiths at Everything Studio for their amazing work creating this new site and press identity.
This blog will be the place to find exciting Futurepoem news about new authors, books, events and upcoming submissions periods. Plus we'll also be posting responses to recent Futurepoem books, posts by special guest bloggers and authors and we will be sharing videos, photos and other great things. So stay tuned — this is just the start of many great things we have in the works for 2015!